Friday, February 8, 2013

PowerPoint printing with transparency

So as the new guy, I get a lot of odd tickets.  We don't typically touch individual machines, but it happens.  In this case we're about to (finally ) roll out Office 2010 to our user base.  The guy who is briefing our CIO has 2010 and made the PowerPoint presentation for the brief.  In the brief, one image with transparency is overlapping another image.  When in PowerPoint it looks fine, but when printing the image with transparency has a large pink box around it where the transparency should be.

Talk about irony.  Trying to convince the board to upgrade to a version of Office that doesn't print the CIO's slide correctly...

The general consensus on the Internet is to manually flatten files as in:
- Select all overlapping images
- Group
- Cut
- Paste Special
- Use PNG format for best appearance

The problem is that is a lot of work for multi-page PPT's, and a lot of kludging at the user level. For a more permanent fix there appear to be two registry keys that can help. Both are under

First is "PrintHighQualityDefault", this is controlled in the PowerPoint GUI by
File --> Options --> Advanced --> Print section --> Check/Uncheck "High Quality"

High Quality in 2007 would, among other things, flatten images prior to sending them to the printer. It doesn't appear to be doing that in 2010. Checking the box in PowerPoint sets it to DWORD "1", unchecking sets it to "0". However, the key doesn't exist until you change it in the program. And by it not being there at all it seems to have some impact (why, I don't know).

The second key is "PrintShapesAsVector", this is an undocumented setting I found on another blog.

My understanding is that this was intended to fix SmartArt/WordArt that uses transparency. It seems to help with other images as well, but without having the High Quality key existing AND set to 0 it doesn't do much. Sometimes it makes things worse.

So here's the reg file that I'm using now.  The problem is deploying to HKCU is a pain, so that's the next step.
-----------------CUT Below-------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


---------------END CUT Above---------------------

1 comment:

  1. The weekend's over and everyone seems pretty happy with this fix. We're not going to do a mass push though because we know what if fixes but not what, if anything, it breaks.
